Monday, July 14, 2008


LIFE is not as easy as its spelling. A four letter words which consists of every aspect of how a person build his own self. Some call it a journey, others call it a lessons whilst most will just living with it. No name been called because they dont have any clue about their life. just play by the rules set up by others...whether fair or not..they have nothing to complain.

For me LIFE is LIFE, we choose how we want to live.Rationally, our life can be ended.But some even enjoy their LIFE after their death. Their still live among us with all what have they did either ther were deeds or sins.People will remember them FOREVER.

So how we choose our LIFE...its in our hand right?

1 comment:

Shah Jehan said...

You have valid points. I choose "journey". A painful one. One can never appreciate wellness if one is never pained. I say, live life to the fullest! Welcome to blogging. Its wonderful.