Wednesday, March 18, 2009


sometimes we thought our world is so large that we can never bump into the same space, meet the same person or having the same conversations again but everything is possible nowdays...

We can reach our long last friends, talking about old memories whilst at the same time we are living in two separate part of the world.Thanks to the internet...

the world is really FLAT now and the people living in it is cramed into this cyberspace looking for all sort of things, from the most complicated info up to the most tiny things, like how to pick ur nose correctly...its all in here

I wonder what it will be in the next generations..perhaps then we can move from point A to point B by blinking our eyes ..maybe

1 comment:

Ifila Saila said...

Mie, teknologi kelip mata ni dah pernah ada dlm sejarah bilamana org suruhan Nabi Sulaiman bernama Asif Barhaya telah memindahkan istana Balqis dalam tempoh sekelip mata sahaja...
Teknologi Tuhan ni Tuhan bagi hanya kpd orang2 bertaqwa, sepertimana diberi ilmu ilham Mimar Sinan, seorg tukang kebun dan tukang jaga kuda mampu membina masjid Turki beserta alat anti gempa bumi dan air wudhu yg akan keluar sendiri setiap kali masuk waktu sembahyang..!
Zaman sekarang ni, umat islam payah lah nak dapat ilmu macam ni.. jangan kata bertaqwa, sembahyang pun tidak! huhuu..